보통 Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Win7에서 로그온 Password를 잊어버리게 되면 Windows를 다시 설치하는 방법 이외에 별 다른 방법이 없습니다. 하지만 Ubuntu Live CD를 사용하면 이러한 문제를 쉽게 해결할 수 있습니다. 'chntpw'라는 프로그램을 사용하여 패스워드 reset이 가능한데, 'chntpw' 프로그램을 설치해야 하므로, Ubuntu Live CD보다는 Ubuntu Live 플래쉬 드라이브가 적당합니다.
Open up Synaptic Package Manager by clicking on System at the top of the screen, expanding the Administration section, and clicking on Synaptic Package Manager.
chntpw is found in the universe repository. Repositories are a way for Ubuntu to group software together so that users are able to choose if they want to use only completely open source software maintained by Ubuntu developers, or branch out and use software with different licenses and maintainers.
To enable software from the universe repository, click on Settings > Repositories in the Synaptic window.
Add a checkmark beside the box labeled “Community-maintained Open Source software (universe)” and then click close.
When you change the repositories you are selecting software from, you have to reload the list of available software. In the main Synaptic window, click on the Reload button.
The software lists will be downloaded.
Once downloaded, Synaptic must rebuild its search index. The label over the text field by the Search button will read “Rebuilding search index.” When it reads “Quick search,” type chntpw in the text field. The package will show up in the list.
Click on the checkbox near the chntpw name. Click on Mark for Installation.
chntpw won’t actually be installed until you apply the changes you’ve made, so click on the Apply button in the Synaptic window now.
You will be prompted to accept the changes. Click Apply.
The changes should be applied quickly. When they’re done, click Close.
chntpw is now installed! You can close Synaptic Package Manager. Skip to the section titled Using chntpw to reset your password.
Using chntpw to reset your password
Before running chntpw, you will have to mount the hard drive that contains your Windows installation. In most cases, Ubuntu 9.10 makes this simple.
Click on Places at the top-left of the screen. If your Windows drive is easily identifiable – usually by its size – then left click on it.
If it is not obvious, then click on Computer and check out each hard drive until you find the correct one.
The correct hard drive will have the WINDOWS folder in it. When you find it, make a note of the drive’s label that appears in the menu bar of the file browser.
If you don’t already have one open, start a terminal window by going to Applications > Accessories > Terminal.
In the terminal window, enter the commands
cd /media
pressing enter after each line. You should see one or more strings of text appear; one of those strings should correspond with the string that appeared in the title bar of the file browser earlier.
Change to that directory by entering the command
cd <hard drive label>
Since the hard drive label will be very annoying to type in, you can use a shortcut by typing in the first few letters or numbers of the drive label (capitalization matters) and pressing the Tab key. It will automatically complete the rest of the string (if those first few letters or numbers are unique).
We want to switch to a certain Windows directory. Enter the command:
cd WINDOWS/system32/config/
Again, you can use tab-completion to speed up entering this command.
To change or reset the administrator password, enter:
sudo chntpw SAM
SAM is the file that contains your Windows registry. You will see some text appear, including a list of all of the users on your system.
At the bottom of the terminal window, you should see a prompt that begins with “User Edit Menu:” and offers four choices. We recommend that you clear the password to blank (you can always set a new password in Windows once you log in). To do this, enter “1” and then “y” to confirm.
If you would like to change the password instead, enter “2”, then your desired password, and finally “y” to confirm.
If you would like to reset or change the password of a user other than the administrator, enter:
sudo chntpw –u <username> SAM
From here, you can follow the same steps as before: enter “1” to reset the password to blank, or “2” to change it to a value you provide.
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